1. What happens if you drink orange juice every day?

Orange juice is probably the most popular breakfast beverage for many of us. When imagining a glass of juice, we think of orange juice first of all. It is not surprising, considering all the benefits it boasts. Full of Vitamin C, orange juice is known for boosting energy in the morning, and that seems to be exactly what is needed at this time of the day! However, it’s not all about the advantages; excessive consumption of orange juice has also its downsides. Let’s discuss both pros and cons.


  • Good for heart

According to statistics, the regular consumption of orange juice may reduce the risk of heart diseases by 19 %. Firstly, this is because of the compound called flavonoid, which improves blood vessel function. Secondly, natural orange juice reduces the amount of cholesterol and blood pressure, which prevents cardiovascular diseases. 

  • Boosts immune system

Thanks to a high amount of vitamin C, orange juice boosts the immune system. Vitamin C helps to produce white blood cells, which are essential in strengthening the organism. It is often recommended to drink orange juice during the winter season to prevent yourself from getting the flu or common cold. That is a valid point, bearing in mind the fact that Vitamin C can not be produced by the body naturally, and getting it from the juice is a tasty solution. One glass of orange juice contains the daily dose of Vitamin C.

boost immunity
  • Bone health

Drinking orange juice has a positive impact on bone structure. Regular consumption of this juice significantly reduces the risk of bone breaks. According to studies, one glass reduces the risk of a break by 20 %.

This is explained by the fact that oranges contain high amounts of Vitamin C, calcium, and Vitamin D. These vitamins stimulate the production of osteoblasts – bone cells, which form the bone tissues.



  • Risk of type 2 diabetes

 Orange juice, same as other citrus fruit juices, has one important downside – a high level of sugar. The whole fruit contains fibre, which reduces the sugar absorption, but extracted juice lacks it, meaning that the sugar gets into the blood directly and can provoke type two diabetes or can be a reason for obesity if consumed in large amounts. To lower these risks, it is better to drink orange juice with pulp in it, as pulp contains most of the fibre.

  • High acidity

Orange juice is not recommended for those who suffer from gastrointestinal tract issues, such as gastritis or stomach ulcer. If you still can’t resist one glass of orange juice at least once in a while, then remember to mix it with water with a 1:1 ratio.

High levels of acidity in orange juice can also cause heartburn to those who don’t have the issues mentioned earlier but consume orange juice regularly.


How much orange juice to drink, to be sure that it affects you only positively?

According to specialists, the optimal amount of orange juice is 3-6 glasses per week. 

We recommend drinking freshly squeezed juice. If you don’t have a suitable juicer for that, in these articlese we provide the overviews on the best options for squeezing citrus fruits like oranges:

– Find your best citrus juicer! Top 6

– Looking for the best hand juicer? Top 6 review

2. What is the best time to drink orange juice?

The best time to drink orange juice is the first half of the day. You can drink it together with breakfast or lunch. Consumed together with a meal, it is more beneficial than if ingested solely.

It is recommended to drink the fresh juice in the first ten minutes after its squeezed – it ensures the maximum amount of enzymes and vitamins there. Freshly squeezed juice sometimes contains pulp; we recommend keeping it in the juice. The pulp contains fibre, which slows down the sugar absorption and contains additional nutrients. If you do sports, drinking orange juice before the workout is a great idea, it provides you with the energy needed for your exercises. 

drinking orange juice tips

3. Is orange juice good on an empty stomach?

Many of us are convinced that starting a day with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice is a beautiful idea since oranges are packed with vitamins and nutrients. However, it is also excessively sugary fruit. 

High levels of fructose ( fruit sugar ), found in orange juice, overload the liver when consumed on an empty stomach and put an additional load on the pancreas. It is recommended to limit sugar consumption, including fructose, to a minimum, especially on an empty stomach. It is better to drink the juice after breakfast. 

Another reason why drinking orange juice on an empty stomach is a bad idea is that oranges contain acid that can cause gastritis, heartburn, and other acid-related issues. It concerns other citrus fruits as well, as all of them may increase acid production. To avoid that, it is recommended to mix concentrated citrus juice with water or drink your beverage after the meal. Orange juice is indeed great, but only if consumed at the right time. 

If you wonder what is the best drink to start the day with, then the answer is – water; it refreshes and hydrates the body, which is especially needed in the morning, after the night sleep.

4. Can I drink orange juice at night?

For the same reasons why orange juice is not recommended on an empty stomach in the morning, it is also not recommended at pre-bedtime. First of all, it is overly acidic. Acidic drinks (even meals ) are known for a longer digestion time; it requires the intestine to work more intensively, which is not what we want at night when the body needs to rest and recharge for the following day. 

Additionally, orange juice is full of sugar. Sugar is known to promote alertness, which is the opposite of what you may want while trying to have quality sleep. 

Consumption of orange juice several hours before bedtime is a much better idea, which will prevent you from the issues described above.

drinking orange juice at night


Daily consumption of orange juice is associated with such benefits as a stronger immune system, lower risk of heart diseases, and healthier bones. Simultaneously, due to high acidity and sugar, excessive consumption of orange juice can provoke gastrointestinal issues, and type 2 diabetes.

To stay on the safe side and get only benefits from this juice, it is recommended to drink not more than 3-6 glasses of orange juice per week and not drink it on an empty stomach or at night.

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