During summer, most fruits and vegetables are available for you at hand. There are multiple options for juicing from your favorite ingredients without worrying if they are accessible at that particular time of  the year. 

Enjoying the taste of your favorite fruits and vegetables during all seasons is very easy. All you need to do is freeze and store them in a tight package or plastic hermetic box and let them wait for the wintertime. Now doubts come – can you actually juice frozen fruit? Is it beneficial for health? Do frozen fruits and vegetables have any nutritional value? Answers to those questions and many other bothering problems you will find in our article below.

1. Can you juice frozen fruit?

For most of us, the preferable use of frozen fruit is making a smoothie with a blender. However, it is also possible to juice frozen fruit and vegetables. The outcome may not be as efficient as juicing the fresh items but can be quite satisfying for those in need of their favorite fruit juice all year long. 

A lot depends on the juicer you have among your kitchen devices. Some of them are even working as smoothie makers. Do not forget to thaw the fruit before putting it into your juicer. If your ingredients were cut before freezing, you don’t need to worry about preparing them for juicing. All you need to do is wait a few minutes, and then your fruit will be ready for juicing. 

Do not forget to thaw the fruit before putting it into your juicer. 

The juice you will get will be cold and chilling. You need to be careful while drinking it and do not consume it too fast. Be aware that icy beverages may affect the digestion process and hinder the absorption of nutrients.  

2. Is frozen fruit juice healthy?

Facts about frozen fruit juice

When fresh fruit is being frozen, it preserves almost all its nutrients. That is the great advantage of the freezing process. You can easily freeze fruits and vegetables at home to enjoy them during the autumn or wintertime, but this demands looking a bit into the future. If you did not manage to prepare your winter supplies, there is no need to be worried. You can also buy frozen fruit in every supermarket. 

When fresh fruit is being frozen, it preserves almost all its nutrients.

Let’s say a few words about the freezing process. After picking up, our products are being washed, cut (if needed), and then frozen. It is best to choose frozen products made with a special technique – Individually Quick Frozen (IQF). With IQF, every single piece of fruit is frozen in a few minutes without big ice crystals inside it, keeping its shape, smell, and what is the most important – taste.

Juicing frozen fruit is slightly different from a fresh one, but the nutrient content is almost at the same level in both cases. That is why we can say it is definitely beneficial to your body. In fact, juicing frozen fruit can be a great substitute when we lack different kinds of fruit, especially during winter. In some instances, the frozen fruit can have a higher nutritional value than the fresh one. It works with frozen peas, broccoli, or even frozen orange juice.   

Juicing frozen fruit can be a great substitute when we don’t have access to different kinds of fruit, especially during winter. 

3. How to juice frozen fruit?

As we already discussed, you can juice frozen fruit in your juicer, but you have to pay attention to a few essential details. After taking your frozen item out of the refrigerator, you need to let it defrost a little bit to get softer. That is important because too hard fruit or vegetables may destroy elements inside your juicer. 

The next step after thawing is finally juicing. Put the pieces of your favorite fruit into a juicer, turn on the machine and wait for your juice. The taste may be slightly different, but you should keep in mind, the nutrient value is almost the same in fresh and frozen fruit juice. The best way to improve your juice’s taste is to mix frozen fruit or vegetables with fresh ones. 

If you are looking for a juicer that will handle frozen fruits, check our reviews of top juicers:

Top 5 Best Masticating Juicers

Best Omega Juicers 

The nutrient value is almost the same in fresh and frozen fruit juice.

frozen cherry

4. Best frozen fruit for juicing

Most fruits can be frozen. Some of them are recommended to be stored in the refrigerator in liquid form. That goes for all kinds of citruses, especially oranges. We already mentioned the incredibly increased nutritional value of frozen (and then defrosted before consuming) orange juice. Frozen concentrated juice you can easily get in every supermarket.

You can learn more about concentrated orange juice here: Juice concentrates healthy or not?

Best frozen fruit for juicing:

  • mango
  • strawberries, blueberries
  • cantaloupe
  • pineapple 
  • honeydew melon
  • cherry

While most fruits can be frozen, some vegetables and greens are not recommended to be frozen.

Among those we can name: 

  • lettuce
  • cucumber
  • green pepper
  • celery 

These products, after freezing and thawing, become gruel and limp because of their delicate structure. Therefore not suitable for juicing. They lose their taste after freezing. That is why they are way more delicious when fresh. 


Undoubtedly, juice squeezed from fresh fruit and vegetables is tastier and a bit higher in vitamins and minerals. If you do not have access to fresh ingredients for your juice for some reason, you can replace them with frozen ones. An important tip is to mix available fresh vegetables and fruits with those frozen ones. That will improve the taste of the juice, and it will not be that cold. Feel free to experiment with mixing flavors you like!

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