1. Can you juice beet greens?
Beet leaves and stems together are named chard. Beet greens are known for being incredibly healthy and very profitable for your body. They grew naturally along the coasts in North Africa, Asia, Europe and are present in the human diet from the 4th century BC. What is interesting, the ancient people ate only chards. They didn’t know about root’s prosperities. Nowadays most of us seem to do the opposite, often forgetting about the green parts of this super healthy vegetable.
So if you ever wonder – Are beet greens edible? We will dispel all your doubts! They are not only consumable but also have a lot of benefits to your body. That aspect we will describe later in this article. Beetroots, together with their green parts are widely available in almost every grocery store or supermarket for a relatively small price. Pay attention to the origin of the vegetable. Try to choose the one which comes from an organic farm where they don’t use any harmful substances to your health. You can prepare beet greens the way you like the most – juice them, eat them raw in a salad or cooked—all depending on your taste.
Drinking chard juice can improve your immune system, support the health of your brain, bones, teeth, skin and even eyes.
2. Beet greens benefits
Like most of the green fruits and vegetables, beet greens are packed with valuable components: nutrients, vitamins and minerals, which are essential to the proper functioning of your body. Eating raw beet greens and drinking chard juice can boost your immune system, support the health of your brain, bones, teeth, skin and even eyes. It improves your appetite and soothes nerves. That information can be quite helpful for those struggling with stressful work. Similar to other leafy greens, beet greens are rich in chlorophyll. It is a green pigment, known from its incredible anti-cancerogenic, antibacterial and detox prosperities. Another rich in chlorophyll plant is wheatgrass.
Did you know that the beet greens are the healthiest part of the vegetable? They are more beneficial than the beetroot because the root contains more sugar. In larger portions beet can be harmful to people who have diabetes.
According to scientific research, beet leaves contain substances which work similarly to estrogen – beauty, libido and youth hormone. In ancient times beet greens were used as an aphrodisiac, to stimulate sexsual desire. As a matter of fact, these trivial on the surface greens, enhance the blood circulation in body veins, which improves sexual health (helps with erection).
Chards are full of vitamins, like A, K, D, E, C, vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B6, PP, B12 and folic acid). It has a lot of minerals, like iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, copper, manganese and phosphorus.
According to scientific research, beet leaves contain substances which work similarly to estrogen – beauty, libido and youth hormone.
The image visualises the benefits of beet greens:

3. Are beet greens high in iron?
You probably didn’t know that beet greens have more nutrients than beetroots and contain even more iron than spinach! Even though those leafy greens (chards and spinach) belong to the same botanical group. The level of iron in beet greens is high, that is why it is especially recommended for vegetarians and those who suffer from anaemia.
4. Do you juice beet greens and stems?
You can add beet chard to your vegetable juice to boost its nutrient value. Both beet greens and stems are suitable for juicing. The root doesn’t have nutrients; only green parts do. In that matter, they are much more valuable than root. They also contain a profitable substance -chlorophyll.

5. Are beets hard on your kidneys?
The beets and beet greens are not harmful to your kidneys unless you suffer from kidney stones. This plant is rich in oxalates which you should avoid when dealing with this ailment.
Consuming big doses of beetroots may cause the colour of your urine or stole to become pink, but it is not harmful to your health in any way.
6. Are beet leaves toxic?
Beet leaves are not toxic in any way. On the contrary, they are safe, healthy and delicious. Due to the chlorophyll they contain, they detoxify your body from harmful substances. You can eat them rare or cooked. They have no cholesterol and no fat either. Because of betacyanin, an extraordinary antioxidant, beet greens help to make up deficiencies of electrolytes. For that reason, beet leaves juice can be extremely helpful during dehydration caused by diarrhoea or increased vomiting. They can also be a great aid for those struggling with hangovers.
7. What kind of juicer is suitable for beet greens?
The best type of juicer that will handle beet greens is a masticating juicer, which imitates the human chewing process. It squeezes the maximum juice of vegetables and greens while maintaining the nutrients and vitamins. The cold press juicer prevents the oxidation process and allows you to get as many valuable components in your juice as possible.
If you don’t have a juicer at home, take a look at our top masticating juicers selection. We provide you with useful information, pros and cons of each model in this article:
8. Beet greens juice recipe inspirations
Try to juice the beet greens, if you didn’t do it yet. You can freely add them to your vegetable juices mixing the ingredients you like the most. Below you can find some recipes which include beet greens. Don’t stick to them, feel free to improvise in that matter to create your own, tasty juice!
- One bunch of beet greens with stems
- One bunch of kale
- One lemon
- Five celery stalks
- One inch of peeled ginger
- One cucumber
- One big beetroot
- One bunch of beet greens with stems
- Five celery stalks
- Two carrots
- Half of lemon
- Two apples
Good luck with beet greens juicing! May the healthy lifestyle stays with you!
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