About Us

Best Juicer Place is a blog for juicing enthusiasts who adore fresh home-made juice just as we do. Our site is devoted to assist you in discovering the very best juicer meeting your needs. Best Juicer Place offers updated reviews to the most valued models and detailed guides, which can prove handy once you’re in search of a high quality juicing equipment. We’re also here to help anybody seeking to find out more about juicing and would like to build up their juicing skills to produce the ideal glass of fresh and healthy juice.

Who we are?

We’re a team of juicing enthusiasts that has hands-on experience with basically everything that is juice-related. We accumulated all our knowledge within this site to present the most accurate, trustworthy, and valuable information possible to you.

With our first-hand expertise, we write about what to look for when deciding a juicer purchase, research the variety of juicers while reviewing all of the accessories and juicers accessible on the marketplace.  We offer various juicing products based on detailed research and provide the most possibly objective, unbiased, and thorough review.

Our goal isn’t to convince you one way or the other, but instead offer you all of the data that you need to be equipped with, to be able to independently consider all pros and cons of each product and come up with the right purchase decision. 

Meet our team!





Owner & Content Director

Germanas is a kitchen enthusiast and juicing practitioner. With his prior experience in the food industry – in restaurants and “foodie” startups, making a blog about his favorite topic was on his list for a long time. 

After Germanas bought a juicer for his fiancee Anna as a birthday present, the idea finally ripened into action. The couple got obsessed with the new purchase, and juicing “science” in general – mixing vegetables, inventing new recipes, and testing various appliances became their full-time hobby, which quickly transformed into this blog! Juicing enthusiasts share their knowledge, discoveries, and recommendations to present the most accurate, trustworthy, and valuable information to you.



Content Editor & Graphic Designer

Anna is a professional singer, and taking care of her health is always an essential part of her daily routine. That is why juicing became Anna’s hobby. She is very much into a healthy lifestyle and passionate about natural methods of boosting the immune system. Because of her artistic soul, she takes care of our website design and makes sure every blog post is complemented with tables and infographics of her design.



Content Editor

Viktoria is a healthy lifestyle enthusiast and a passionate writer. She studied philology at Vilnius University in Lithuania and worked in the food industry for several years. Viktoria is excited to connect her professional writing skills and passion for a healthy lifestyle and juicing!



Nutrition Consultant

Karolina has a Master’s degree in Medical Chemistry from Warsaw University of Technology. From an early age, she is passionate about dietology. Taking care of eating habits is not only her hobby but also a professional activity. She takes care of reviewing each article to ensure that all the information provided in our blog is medically correct and professionally approved. 

Our Values



Independant reviews

We aren’t owned by anyone, and we only  provide you with the reviews based on our research and experience.

Quality information

We provide our readers with high quality information and bring real value into juicing activities.

Time saving

We want to provide our readers with the all best possible options in one place and save their time on researching juicing products on their own.